Anthem Blue Cross (HMO, PPO, EPO) |
Mavenclad (5 Tabs) (cladribine(multiple sclerosis)) |
Drugs for the Nervous System : Drugs for Multiple Sclerosis |
- PA Applies
- Prior Authorization: PA Applies
- Quantity Limit: 2 packs per 46 weeks(s).
- Available only through Specialty Pharmacy; Limited access;
For FAX form click HERE Our electronic prior authorization (ePA) process is the preferred method for submitting pharmacy prior authorization requests. Creating an account is free, easy and helps patients get their medications sooner. You can complete the process through your current electronic health record/electronic medical record (EHR/EMR) system or by using one of these ePA sites: Log in to Surescripts Log in to CoverMyMeds; For details on drug coverage click HERE;